Homey Family House
Those who stay at hotels often can prove how important it is to feel at home. Friendly, warm and “fluffy” environment helps you enjoy all the benefits of a hotel.
Imagine how blissful it is to create a brand for such a hotel. Throughout all the process, especially when it is winter and dull outside of the window, Homey’s scarf was running over not only on our designers’ screens, but also it was touching our hearts and changing the working environment.
As a result, we have crafted a brand that is all about Homey. It is what we have seen, lived and felt.

- Creative Direction: Eduard Kankanyan
- Branding Director: Karen Babajanyan
- Project Management: Gayane Margaryan
- Graphic Designer: Shushan Gevorgyan
- Motion Designer: Vardan Harutyunyan